Elfriede Jelinek

 Elfriede Jelinek                                                          princess dramas                                                 Jacky

Well, I suggest myself like my waist, which I don’t stress. I wear understated clothes. My waist would be wasted if stressed and instantly cast off, I mean cast in. Oh no, well, I am about to make a crucial decision and I decide differently:   my waste shall not be cast in anything, it should just be suggested. It’s not something I would stress about myself. I stick to my shifts or whatever they are called, those little loose dresses little girls wear. I am the little girl inside the woman. I politely take off my self when I am talking to somebody, and yet I also stay, if far above. I prefer to be suspended in all those pictures of myself and dragged along, that way I don’t have to do anything. On the other hand there are those furious activities in matters of home furnishing and decorating.

Or is it true after all that all of us female figures, stringy as we were, without any meat on our bones, became the showcases for our generation and all those coming after? I most of all. Look at us and order something similar right away, because you’ll never get the same! We looked as if we would never be subject to decay, there didn’t seem to be an ounce of flesh anywhere. We were somehow meatless, healthy, yes and yet it was our flesh that was always hit the hardest. If it really had been flesh. Instead fate always encountered a taut safety net and tossed us back up in the air, no matter what happened. Yes, fate took note of us and then it wrote us up all the way to the end of our best parts. Since then it only copied from us, Fate, down to the third and fourth member. Can’t come up with anything new, Fate that is. A sprawling novel, extracted from life, but no, we were life itself. They extract from us! But not just a little! No one was ashamed. No woman can keep her figure, only with us it lasts forever. We make the most of our pounds, but there are only a few. We have no bodies. Please, Fate, go ahead, help yourself! Just a moment, I have to cast myself into the new shape that is prescribed to me by my clothes, and I advised Mr. Cassini to make the clothes according to my measurements, but in such a way that they never touch my body. Nothing and no one must touch me, when I don't want it.

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